Консультационный центр апиминотерапии
им. В.М. Голощапова

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Apitherapy, apiotherapy — english version of apimin.ru


Genic apiotherapy of chronic illnesses.


       New Developments in Api-therapy.

Apitepatiya is based on unique bee products. It is a new direction of natural medicine that has been practiced since 1993. Api-therapy on the basis of bee products is a unique development of APIS company. Product technology was developed using special bee keeping techniques for harsh climates. These products have been used for a number of years to successfully treat various illnesses where traditional pharmaceutical methods failed. 

Apimin A, Apimin B, Apipromin, Apilon and Apilon A are five effective products that should be recommended individually depending on a medical condition. Apimins and Apilons increase cell regeneration processes and function of the immune system to the extent that the following conditions could be alleviated: reduce asthma and bronchitis, clear breathing passages, and eliminate breathing difficulties. These products help treat heart and circulatory system problems, arthritis, stoke impacts, heart attacks, and shorten rehabilitation processes.

These products help reduce pancreas pain, hemorrhoids, kidney and liver pain. The products restore normal thyroid functions and help reduce nodules in a thyroid gland. The products help activate reproductive functions. Help restore affected organ and skin tissues. Successfully kills viral infections, Hepatitis B and C, HIV AIDS as well as lung cancer, bone cancer, cancer of the digestive system, and blood cancer. Help treat chronic spine and joint pain. These products treat digestive system illnesses.

All products are patented and certified by Trade and Industry Association of Russian Federation. Underlying technology is well protected and has received multiple awards internationally: Paris (2002), Geneva (2003), Berlin (2004). In 2008, director of APIS, biophysicist, Goloshapov Vladimir Mihailovich was awarded a Gold Star award for his contributions to the healthcare industry.

Email: apimin@mail.lanck.net   Address: APIS, 14 Tipanova Street,  St. Petersburg, Russia, 196135   Phone/Fax: +7 (812) 708-5995

Genic apiotherapy represents a new direction in natural medicine, which has been successfully practiced since 1993. The apiotherapy methods offered by АPIS- scientific — consultation centre of natural medicine, successfully fights against the illnesses in which traditional pharmaceutical medicine appears to be powerless, for already many years. Methods of genic apiotherapy immensely boost human immunity so that improvement is observed in such infectious diseases as tuberculosis, hepatitises B and C, HIV-INFECTION, etc. Under the action of APIMINs, АPILONs and АPIPROMINs, asthma and chronic bronchitis are facilitated and gradually recede, dyspnea attacks disappear, permeability of respiratory tracts is restored. Vascular problems and atherosclerosis, consequences of cerebrovascular accidents, infarction, are eliminated. Pain attacks at pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, renal and hepatic colics, are quickly relieved. Functions of thyroid gland are restored, and inspissations resolve. Functions of genitals and genital glands are activated. Tissues damaged at necrosis of bodies and skin are restored. At the hardest burns, pains are fading away, disintoxication and restoration of epithelium is accelerated. Chronic diseases of backbone and joints gradually cease. Dysbacteriosis and gastrointestinal disorders are eliminated. Natural reserve of general immunity is effectively restored.

Fast, easily, safely, accessibly, reliably and effectively!

FREE consultations in APIS Consultation Centre at the address:
Tipanova street, 14, » Moskovskaya Metro Station «, Ph.: +7-812-708-59-95.

       Working hours: 10:00 – 17:00, except for Saturdays and Sundays.

The ancient Indian health-improving apiotherapy secrets are reviving!

Methods of genetic apiotherapy were applied even in ancient India, and they practically cured almost any kinds of diseases. Indian doctors of that time possessed the art of reactivation of the curative health-improving information incorporated inside the beekeeping products. Unfortunately, due to change of climate in this region, resettlement of bees to the North and reduction in their number, the secrets of ancient healers had been lost.

Usual beekeeping products contain useful vitamins, enzymes, minerals, but the genetic programs capable to interact with a human body, are inside there, in the inhibited form.

As soon as it became possible to reactivate the genetic programs with the aid of the most unique technology, the efficiency of effect of beekeeping products has increased thousand times. At interaction of these programs with a human body, metabolism is accelerated many times, the activity of haemoglobin and leucocytes grows, so that they destroy practically the entire pathogenic flora, while the activity of nervous centers is increased, the epithelium, the osteal tissue being restored, cartilaginous and muscular tissues, hormonal background getting stabilized.

For more detail, please refer to our web-site: www.apimin.ru


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